Bev & Chuck's Great Adventure

Our 2024 Adventure


We're hitting the road. This summer will be dubbed " The Coastal Journey."  In June we're Visiting the Canadian Maritime city of Halifax. Next we'll be loading our 5th Wheel trailer and heading west. This adventure is our 2024 West Coast Baseball Tour.


We're planning stops at all the Major League parks along the US West Coast. This means Stops in Seattle, San Francisco, Oakland, Anaheim, Los Angeles and San Diego. We may zig-zag a bit along the way with stops in Denver, and Arizona. The dates and route are still in the works, so stay tuned for our plan.


This is where we'll post news and information from the road.


We're planning to include the 100th Anniversary of Toastmasters International in our route. This celebration takes place in August 2024 in Anaheim. It just so happens that the Toronto Blue Jays will be playing a series in Anaheim a couple of days before the convention begins. What a bonus!


This is the next phase of our bucket list tour where we visit every Major League Baseball park and every US
and visit the Presidential Libraries and museums in the US.


A bold list for sure but one we believe will enrichen our lives. You can follow our journey on Social Media and right here in this space.

On the Road

What's Up Next


Follow our Itinerary.

Shere we've Been


Our travel journal

Unexpected Pleasures


Places we've found off the beaten path
